
We just launched the website for our Saludari GmbH!

We founded Saludari to foster implementation of our e-health products and enhance research in e-health. We are a team of scientists, psychotherapists and software developer: Prof. Jörg Wolstein, Lea Vogel, Caroline Seiferth, Tobias Hertkorn and me. Meet the team and our mission here: https://www.saludari.com/


Conference month June 2024!

Finally, a busy conference month of attending the International Society of Internet Interventions (ISRII) in Limerick, Ireland, the German Psychotherapy Congress (DPK) in Berlin and at last the Goldkind Conference in Munich is over! 

I feel inspired and grateful to be able to share and discuss our research with colleagues and friends! 



Team Retreat in Rottenburg

Finally, we as a team spent two days in Rottenburg in an old monastery, talking about our projects and proposals, learning about Natural Language Processing (Thank you Nadine Schmitt, our new team member!), affective computing (thank you Andreas Triantafyllopoulos, from TU Munich!), improved our writing skills due to the input of the journalist Manuel Start (thank you!) and just had a good time together! 

Asya Caroei, Olivia Krokos, Lea Vogel, Melinda Mroß, Anja Pascher, Nadine Schmitt and the best therapy dog Maslow (from left to right)

Lennart couldn't join unfortunately and was busy in the meantime: Congratulations to you - Dr. Lennart Seizer! All the best to you - well deserved!!


2nd Munich International Symposium on Parental Psychopathology and (E-health) Preventive Interventions

On September 14-15th 2023 Johanna Löchner, Gerd Schulte-Körne and Belinda Platt (with help from Laura Ullrich and Carolina Silberbauer) hosted the 2nd Munich International Symposium on Parental Psychopathology. The meeting was financially supported by the DFG (Grant Nr. 527114965) and the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the LMU Munich. The final programme is available here. In the blog below two members of the PRODO research group describe what they took away from the meeting.


Fotos: Uwe Geissler

Global Consortium for the Prevention of Depression, Brown University, USA, September 2023

It was a great honour to attend the Global Consortium for Depression Prevention meeting at Brown University in Providence, USA, hosted by Tracy Gladstone, Pim Cuijpers and Mike Silverstein, and the satellite meeting organised by Maree Tesson and Helen Christensen! The open discussion with colleagues and friends on where to go in prevention research and implementation on a global scale, the lessons learned, failures and future approaches from experts such as Ron Kessler, Myrna Weissman, Toshi Furukawa, Ricardo Munoz, just to name a few, were inspiring, motivating and reassuring to pull together with other researchers from around the world!


How to e-mental health?

Digital health apps are a huge opportunity for low-cost mental health improvement, education, low-cost and geographically independent access to information, stigma reduction, help-seeking, bridge-building....

Unfortunately, so few applications are evidence-based (approx. 5%) - or the evidence-based products are usually not sustainably funded after the end of the research project. 

But how are users supposed to distinguish which offers are effective - or at least not harmful?

In this article, we - an expert panel of 25 international e-health scientists and clinicians - have compiled guidelines for researchers to improve the methodological quality and sustainability of evidence-based products. 

Call For Papers Artificial Intelligence for Mental Health: Advancements, Challenges, and Ethical Implications PEERJ Computer Science

Abstract Submission Deadline: 12 January 2024

This Special Issue aims to investigate the dynamic relationship between mental health and artificial intelligence (AI). It seeks to explore the advancements, challenges, and ethical implications associated with the integration of AI technologies in mental health research, diagnosis, treatment, and support systems. By bringing together cutting-edge research and perspectives, it aims to foster critical discussions, advance knowledge, and promote the ethical integration of AI technologies in mental health domains.

The Special Issue welcomes original research articles and reviews that delve into the full spectrum of research at the intersection of mental health and AI. Interdisciplinary perspectives, integrating fields such as psychology, computer science, data science, neuroscience and ethics are particularly encouraged.

We would welcome submissions on the following topics (not limited to):

  • AI-Enhanced Mental Health Diagnosis and Assessment: Investigating the use of machine learning, natural language processing, and data mining techniques for accurate and efficient mental health diagnosis and assessment.
  • Virtual Mental Health Interventions: Exploring the effectiveness of virtual therapists, chatbots, mobile applications, and AI-driven virtual reality platforms in providing accessible and personalized mental health interventions, including cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness training, and stress reduction techniques, whilst addressing challenges and evaluating the impact on accessibility and quality of care.
  • Predictive Analytics and Risk Assessment: Investigating the utilization of machine learning models to predict mental health risks, self-harm, suicide ideation, relapse, or adverse events, allowing for targeted interventions and proactive support.
  • Ethical Considerations: Addressing the ethical implications surrounding the use of AI in mental health, including privacy concerns, data security, bias in algorithms, algorithm transparency and ensuring human oversight in decision-making processes.
  • AI-Enhanced Therapeutic Approaches: Examining the integration of AI technologies, such as virtual reality, natural language processing, or sentiment analysis, to enhance therapeutic techniques, improve patient engagement, and personalize treatment plans.
  • Mental Health Data Analysis: Investigating how AI techniques can contribute to identifying novel biomarkers, predicting treatment outcomes, and enhancing understanding of mental health disorders through large-scale data analysis, including electronic health records, social media posts, and wearables.
  • Human-AI Collaboration: Exploring the potential for collaborative frameworks between mental health professionals and AI systems, examining the roles of AI as decision support tools, augmentation of clinical judgment, or enhancing the efficiency of mental health care delivery.
  • Bias and Fairness in AI for Mental Health: Investigating the challenges of bias in AI algorithms used for mental health, including potential disparities in diagnosis, treatment recommendations, and access to care for marginalized communities.
  • User Experience and Acceptance: Assessing user acceptance, trust, and satisfaction with AI-based mental health interventions, considering factors such as user interface design, personalization, and the human- machine interaction experience.
  • Policy, Ethical and Regulatory Implications: Discussing the policy frameworks and regulations needed to govern the ethical and responsible deployment of AI in mental health, including guidelines for data collection, transparency, and accountability.



Call for Papers for the 
1st International Workshop on Data Mining for Mental Disorders (DMMD’23) held at the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM’23)
 4 December 2023, Shanghai, China


The prevalence of mental illnesses is rapidly increasing, with approximately 20-25% of individuals experiencing these disorders during their lifetime. This rise has been further exacerbated within the Covid-19 pandemic. Depression, anxiety, and substance or alcohol abuse related disorders are among the most frequent mental health conditions affecting individuals. Mental illnesses not only cause significant personal burden but also have substantial economic costs due to sick-leaves and early retirements. The early onset of mental illness, particularly during childhood and adolescence, is critical as it can interfere with essential developmental tasks such as building social relationships, developing of an autonomous personality and academic achievements. Furthermore, it is associated with a high probability of chronification and more severe courses of diseases until adulthood. Unfortunately, despite the increasing prevalence of mental illnesses, several shortcomings due to structural and personal barriers, the supply, uptake, and effectiveness of mental health treatments remain modest, resulting in high numbers of non-responders or relapse.

It is crucial to address this gap between the increasing need for mental health services and the availability of and access to effective treatments – ideally for all, anytime, and anywhere. Therefore, we must explore innovative data mining solutions to improve timeliness, access to, and the effectiveness of mental health treatments. This can involve a collaboration between Artificial Intelligence solutions based on current and next generation data mining and mental health professionals, researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders to discuss evidence-based practices, emerging technologies, and policy recommendations.

In this light, the workshop will explore data mining for mental disorder, aiming to solicit highest quality contributions with, but not limited to:
   • Data Mining for Mental Disorder systems based on textual, audiovisual, biochemical, electrophysiological, photoelectric, physical data, and their multimodal combination   • Data Mining for prevention and treatment of mild and severe mental disorders    • Foundation Models and their tuning in mental disorders
    • Transfer, active, drifting target, federated, few-shot, and self/semi-supervised learning for mental disorders   • Dependable, explainable, fair, green, and reliable mental disorder modelling    • Cooperative human/AI data mining approaches for mental disorders    • Mobile and ubiquitous data mining for mental disorders
   • Applications in alcohol and further addictions, Alzheimer’s disease, anorexia nervosa, autism, bipolar disorder, dementia, depression, negative emotions, suicidal risk, and beyond   • Datasets and benchmarks for Data Mining in Mental Disorders    • Surveys, systematic overviews, and blue-sky contributions for Data Mining in Mental Disorder

 The impacts of mental illnesses are far-reaching, and we need to work together to find solutions that can make a real difference in the lives of individuals struggling with mental health conditions. Your expertise and perspectives will be invaluable to the success of this workshop. By bringing together a diverse group of experts and stakeholders, we hope to develop actionable solutions that can improve mental health services and resources.
We invite you to join us in this critical discussion and contribute to the development of innovative data mining solutions to address the increasing prevalence of mental disorders.
 1 August 2023 – Paper submission deadline
 15 September 2023 – Notification of acceptance
1 October 2023 – Camera-ready submission deadline
 4 December 2023 – Workshop held in Shanghai, China @ICDM 2023


Submit your paper online: 


Björn W. Schuller, Imperial College London, UK;  Johanna Löchner, University of Tübingen, Germany; Kun Qian, Beijing Institute of Technology, China; Zichao Nie, Beihang University, China; Bin Hu, Beijing Institute of Technology, China; Yoshiharu Yamamoto, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Program Committee
Oliver Amft, University of Freiburg, Germany; Katrin Bartl-Pokorny, Medical University of Graz, Austria; Anton Batliner, University of Augsburg, Germany; Harald Baumeister, University of Ulm, Germany; Björn Eskofier, FAU, Germany; Anna Esposito, University of Campania, Italy; Jing Han, University of Cambridge, UK; Haifeng Li,HIT, China; Shrikanth Narayanan, USC, USA; Florian Pokorny, Medical University of Graz, Austria; Matthew Purver, QMUL, UK; Zhao Ren, University of Bremen, Germany; Fabien Ringeval, Université Grenoble Alpes, France; Dongrui Wu, GE, USA;  Zixing Zhang, Hunan University, China; Ziping Zhao, TJNU, China; Jiayu Zhou, Michigan State University, USA

27th of May, 2023

German Centre for Mental Health/Deutsches Zentrum für Psychische Gemeinschaft (DZPG) launched in Tübingen!

The Centre for Mental Health (DZPG) consists of three departments and one institute within the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tübingen: Department of General Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy, Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, and the Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology. These units work closely together not only in research and teaching but also in patient care to answer complex diagnostic questions and offer the best possible treatment options. The child and adolescent psychiatry is active in multiple projects regarding enhanced psychotherapy and computational psychiatry.

In cooperation with Prof. Tobias Hauser, Tübingen, and Prof. Björn Schuller, Augsburg/Imperial College UK,  we will develop a digital phenotyping approach, using the i) Brain Explorer Application, ii) ecological momentary assessment and iii) voice analysis to assess cognitive, emotional and behavioural markers to identify mental illness early on in adolescents. Learn more about the Brain Explorer here: https://brainexplorer.net/

Together with Prof. Caterina Gawrilow, Prof. Vanessa Nieratschker and the Twin Health Cohort based in Tübingen, we will explore risk and resilience factors in Twins with parents suffering from a mental illness. Hereby, we will assess multiple data including epigenetics, real-time stress assessment, cortisol, audio data and classic psychometric data on emotion regulation, psychopathology and coping with stress. 

I'm happy to welcome our new team members Lea Vogel, Anja Pascher, Greta Schnuchel and Jennifer von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha!

1st of May, 2023 


Inaugural speech, April 2023
Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen

On April 24th I had the honour to hold my inaugural speech at the Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen!

Thank you Prof. Pichler and Prof. Renner for your kind and welcoming words and all my great colleagues from the different psych-departments to celebrate with me!

To register please visit our website:

 or complete and email the following form to: 

Funded by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and endlich leben!

Scientific Programme 

Team recruitment finalized!

Welcome Dr. Isabel Amor Brandhorst, Lennart Seizer, Olivia Krokos and Leonard Morrissey! I'm really excited to such great and well experienced researcher on board! 

October 2022

Collaborating with the Mental Health Crowd!

I'm really excited to have met Dominique de Marné from the Mental Health Crowd! 

As group of people who suffered from mental illness, they know what they are talking about and (!) what helped best to overcome or cope with their disorder. 

We are now going to evaluate their self-developed "Mental Health Guide" - a mobile app for prevention of mental illness - and see what young people think about it! 


How would you like to talk about mental illness?

The students of the Albertus-Magnus Gymnasium highlight the importance of learning about mental illness in school and a confidential setting to talk about personal issues. Teachers should be more aware of their daily stressors and the curriculum should include psychology as a regular subject. Thanks for your recommendations  - even after a long day at school and 32°C! 

Collection Advisor in:
F1000 Digital Health Care Collection

I'm excited to be together with Prof. Björn Schuller, Imperial College London, UK and Prof. Kun Qian, Technical University Beijing, China a guest advisor in the F1000 Digital Health Care Collection! Thanks, Zoe Gooden for your support!

About the collection:

The integration of digital technology within the health domain is rapidly revolutionizing traditional approaches to care. Advances in digital health have the potential to provide fully personalized, real-time, precise and accessible mental and physical health monitoring and care. These technological innovations have the capacity to accelerate global health and well-being.
The ultimate goal of developments in digital healthcare is to provide optimal prevention, diagnosis, treatment, amelioration, or cure supported by digital and artificially intelligent means. However, this goal is met with technical challenges, ethical responsibilities, and legal and social implications. To deliver its potential, digital healthcare initiatives must be led by holistic strategies that integrate human, organizational, financial and technological resources.
This collection aims to feature the latest research, methods, data, cases, surveys, opinions, and beyond at this exciting intersection of technology, medicine, psychology, audiology, optometry, dentistry, nursing, ergo- and physical therapy, athletic training, pharmacy, and many more.
Keywords: Digital Healthcare, Digital Health, Physical Health, (e-) Mental Health, Medicine, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, ELSI, Mobile Assessment
Deadline for submissions: 16th October 2022


Now with 20% off!




Recent Publication: "Quantifying Quality of Life Incorporating Daily Life into Medicine"

Editors: Katarzyna Wac, Sharon Wulfovich


I'm happy to have contributed to this great book, I want to recommend to all digital health interested people! Thank you Kate and Sharon for pulling this together!


  • Describes technological methods and tools for objective and quantitative assessment of QoL
  • Appraises technology-enabled methods for incorporating QoL measurements in medicine
  • Highlights the success factors for adoption and scaling of technology-enabled methods

Topics Health Informatics, Quality of Life Research, Bioinformatics, Computational and Systems Biology

DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-94212-0


Upcoming Publication: "Depression im Kindes- und Jugendalter: Rechtzeitig erkennen, wirksam behandeln und vorbeugen"

Editors: Gerd Schule-Körne, Ellen Greimel

In June this comprehensive book about all you need to know about youth depression will be published at Kohlhammer Verlag. Together with my colleague Belinda Platt I took over the "prevention of depression " chapter.


  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 3170387367


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